Pre-1919Police protection came from the Sheriff of Monmouth County stationed in Freehold
1919Upon Brielle’s incorporation in 1919, J. Wellington Pearce was appointed Borough Marshall
The Police Department was allocated $1.88 for operations in 1919 and $25.00 for 1920
1924Shem Bartley Pearce was appointed Chief of Police without pay in 1924 and George W. Legg likewise in 1926
1929Chief Legg was authorized to purchase a revolver and handcuffs and $600 for a police car in 1929
1933Chief Legg became the first paid chief in 1933; the force consisted of Chief Legg and one patrolman
1934Chief Legg was made a full-time chief
1941A fire occurred at police headquarters destroying records and equipment causing $4,000 in damages
1955A second police car was placed into service
1964Chief Legg retires; the force had grown to include seven police officers
1964Patrolman Kenney, later to become Chief of Police in 1985, joins the Brielle police force as its first black member
1967The citizens of Brielle formed “operation Alert” to help the police fight local crime


1919 – 1920 (Est)J. Wellington Pearce
1920 – 1922 (Est)Frank Pettit
1923John Rankin
1924 – 1926S. Bartley Pearce
1926 – 1964George W. Legg
1964 – 1974John P. Van Kirk
1974 – 1982Thomas R. Flanagan
1982 – 1985Arthur G. Brandau
1985 – 1989Alfred O. Kenney
1989 – 1994Harry M. Whalen
1995 – 2018Michael W. Palmer
2019 to PresentGary J. Olsen

brielle police department Historical Pictures

brielle Police Chief Pictures