1922 Brielle’s library originated in the Longstreet Avenue home of Mrs. Mary J. W. Strong
Mrs. Strong opened her home to the public in 1922
Mrs. Strong’s home, Applewood, was built by one of the early Longstreets
The library was located in Applewood’s sun parlor
It started with 50 books and a complete file of Century magazines
1941 Mrs. Strong paid for all library expenses for the first eighteen years
In 1941, the Borough finally voted a yearly library grant of $250
1951 The library moved to two rooms in the old Rankin farmhouse on Union Lane
The farmhouse was located on the Union Lane property (the old Rankin farm) the Board of Education purchased in 1949 for a new school
1954 The library moved to Assembly Hall in the basement of the old schoolhouse (current Borough Hall) on Union Lane in 1954
Mrs. Strong retires and is replaced by Mrs. Betty Taylor
Subsequently, the old Rankin farmhouse is moved to its current location on the corner of Union Lane & Union Avenue
1955 The Library Committee signed Articles of Incorporation in March 1955 and becomes an independent organization
The first Board President was DR. Agnes R. Watson
The library owned 900 books and had a first-year budget of $1,500
1988 The library moves to its present location on the corner of South Street and Union Lane in 1988
The library was built on the site of the old Loughran Gardens retail show room