Shiloh Baptist Church
"The Church in the heart of the city with the People of the City in its heart; where we proclaim that Jesus is the 'Light of the World.'Come expecting a blessing!"
Journey with God

The Church was born in 1905 when the late Jasper Morgan Sr. and his wife Mattie Morgan, the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith alternated in holding prayer meetings in their homes. The late Rev. P. T. Morris, of the first Baptist Church of Belmar, addressed some of these gatherings; also the late Rev. J. J. Davis who later became pastor of Mt. Olive, Belmar.
Through the efforts of Mr. Morgan and Rev. Morris, a lot was purchased and a tent was loaned by the Sea Girt State Camp. Services were also held above the Joseph Allen Store on North Main Street. In 1909 Shiloh Baptist Church was formally organized with the late Rev. Walker; then a student as pastor. Finance was raised for the church through Mrs. Mattie Morgan's effort by group singing, presenting plays and church suppers. The first Deacon were the late Jasper Morgan, Sr., William Jackson and John Jackson.
The Rev. C. J. Walker served as pastor for 21 years, resigning in 1932. The Church building was erected in 1913 by Brazilla Taylor, at this time the Church was incorporated, the Trustees were the late Bertha Henry, Cornelius Morgan, Ranson Epps, Jasper Morgan and William Gayles.
During this period the membership increased and it was necessary in 1924 to make an addition. The choir was moved from the right side of the Church to its present position. The pool was installed (the Manasquan River had been used for baptizing) and an outside entrance to the Pastors' study was added. The pulpit area was moved back and the roof raised.