In 1939, Leroy married Magnolia Morgan, the daughter of Jasper and Mattie Morgan.  Leroy and Magnolia had three children, Leroy, Beverly, and Linda.

In South Carolina, Leroy had been a carpenter who loved to build and remodel houses.  When he arrived in New Jersey, he discovered that in order to make a living in the building trade he had to be a member of the Carpenter's Union.  Blacks were not accepted in the union at that time, so the only work available to Leroy was in the restaurants.  This work was seasonal, with 90% of the hotels closing after September each year.  In order to survive and support his family, Leroy did repair work on houses.

His skillful carpentry became well-known, and after World War II Leroy went into business for himself, building much needed homes in Manasquan, Point Pleasant Beach, and Bay Head, NJ.  He also found time to build his own home.

From 1959 until 1966, Leroy served on the Brielle Board of Education.  At this time, the school was engaged in an extensive building program.  With Leroy's expertice in carpentry, he was asked to work on the Building and Grounds Committee.  His work was so outstanding that in 1964 he was elected Vice President of the Board of Education.

Leroy has served on the Juvenile Conference Committee and the Board of Health.  He was the President of the Brielle Men's Club, and serves on the Community Development Block Grant Committee.